房屋制度 serves as a platform for interscholastic competition and collaboration throughout the school year. 在圣灵预备学校, students are placed in a House which they will call their own for the rest of their lives. 房屋制度 also provides the scaffolding for our Student Government, 共有34个领导职位可供高中生选择. 友谊赛全年定期举行, as all four houses compete for points with the ultimate goal of being crowned the “Winning House” at the end of the school year.
- 男生学生会主席:戴维斯·布劳恩
- 女学生会主席:阿列克谢·莱利
- 尼西亚议会主席:梅拉尼·梅内
- 里昂之家主席:莱拉·塞尔
- 特伦特家族主席:何塞·维拉松
- 卡尔西顿之家主席:贝特西·特伦纳多·包蒂斯塔
“I am thrilled by the honor of being elected to the position of 头的男孩. 我从六年级开始就读HSP, and I chose to run for the position because I felt that taking on the role would allow me to grow as a leader. Having been elected, I hope to serve our school 社区 to the best of my ability. I will strive to be a good role model for fellow students as I work with student leadership to exemplify the virtues of faith, 谨慎, and magnanimity that have been instilled in me by the staff and teachers at HSP over the years.”
“I am delighted and honored to serve as the 头的女孩 for Holy Spirit Preparatory School’s class of 2024! I have attended HSP since Pre-K, and have long aspired to become 头的女孩. 的良性, HSP培养的培养环境让我在社交方面成长, 在学业上, 和精神上, and has provided me with opportunities to gain valuable leadership skills. 作为女校长, 我很荣幸能够以身作则, 帮助他们在社交上取得成功, 在学业上, 最重要的是, 在精神上-活出我们学校的校训:“事奉即非事奉”.’ HSP has been blessed this year with a dedicated student leadership council, and together we will work to ensure the House system is run with enthusiasm and excellence!”
“I am absolutely honored to serve our school as this year's President of the House of Lyons! 我从八年级就开始参加圣灵班了, and I have always loved the house system and how it fosters joy and builds 社区 within the Upper School. This year I am very excited to work alongside the other house presidents and my Lyons leadership board to bring excitement, 社区, 给高中的每个人带来良性竞争! I am very thankful for this opportunity and hope to make it memorable for everyone!”
Melany Menay
“我很荣幸能成为尼西亚2023-2024学年的校长! 我七年级时进入圣灵预备学校, 每年我都很喜欢成为这样一个热情的社区的一员. The house system has provided me with a way to be social with students outside of my grade and gives me a better understanding of leadership. This opportunity has helped me learn more about God's plan for me and those around me. I am excited to make this year memorable for everyone and to bring the House spirit to life!”
“It is with great joy that I have the opportunity to serve as Chalcedon President for the 2023-2024 school year! 我从七年级开始就是圣灵预备学校大家庭的一员. 我最期待的是今年的服务项目, 我迫不及待地想让每一位迦克顿成员都参与其中. I am also incredibly excited to work with the rest of leadership and make new memories with my House this year. I will cherish this new leadership skill and proudly use it for whatever the future holds. 我感谢上帝和HSP社区给我这个好机会!”
“我很高兴能成为今年特伦特王室的主席! I have been at Holy Spirit since preschool and became part of the House of Trent in 5th grade. 众议院议长的角色意味着成为众议院的好领袖, doing everything possible to put Trent in the best position to win the House Trophy, 保持高昂的士气. 和今年的领导团队一起, 我相信我们能够赢得众议院的许多比赛, 最重要的是, 学院奖杯. 我期待着这是精彩的一年, and I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to be Trent's President!”
俱乐部 & 罗马教皇的职位
我们的许多俱乐部和使徒聚会之前, 在, 或者放学后, 取决于俱乐部成员和赞助商. 一些小组还进行实地考察或做其他类型的周末工作.g. 星期六早上在施粥处服务).
The goal of Boys Club is to teach boys the importance of leading by example. 在俱乐部里, each age group has a specific role to play as they learn to support one another: 6th-8th grade boys are trained to be mentors and examples of virtue for the 1st-5th grade boys, while the middle school boys help the younger boys prepare presentations and organize games for them. 这些男孩也将有机会为有需要的社区服务. 电邮安德鲁神父: agronotte@bananaboyroy.com 了解更多信息.
Girls of faith come together to better know and love Christ – and each other.
Professional instructors teach beginning fundamental skills of gymnastics with exercises on the uneven bars, 地板上, 库, 平衡木. 请访问 www.airbornegymnasticsclubusa.com 了解更多信息.
Students learn new sports and activities in a non-competitive environment with kind and patient coaching. 练习的游戏和技能包括:篮球, 棒球, 足球, 网球, 高尔夫球, 曲棍球, 飞盘, 扔, 捕捉, 控球, 平衡, 灵活性, 运行, 跳, 和更多的. *包容性修改总是可用的. 请在您孩子的第一堂课之前与我们联系 http://atlantaplayball.com/schools.
Stemtree Robotics helps students apply their knowledge and skills of basic science, 模型建设, 计算机编程, 解决问题,探索工程和机器人技术. 项目费用如所示,包括学生材料.g.、笔记本电脑、平板电脑、机器人套件等.) student progress binders, software, USB drives, and student assessments. Stemtree将提供举办会议所需的所有用品. 访问 www.stemtree.com/buckhead 欲了解更多信息或致电 678-819-2386.
The 西班牙语 enrichment program by Brilliant Bilingual consists of weekly hands-on immersion-style 西班牙语. 该项目采用21世纪的学习方法, 包括去拉丁美洲的虚拟现实实地考察, 在线学习订阅和家庭支持的家长指南, 员工中有流利的国际认证语言教师, 还有更多! 包括所有学习资料.
The goal of Boys Club is to teach boys the importance of leading by example. 在俱乐部里, each age group has a specific role to play as they learn to support one another: 6th-8th grade boys are trained to be mentors and examples of virtue for the 1st-5th grade boys, while the middle school boys help the younger boys prepare presentations and organize games for them. 这些男孩也将有机会为有需要的社区服务. 电邮安德鲁神父: agronotte@bananaboyroy.com 了解更多信息.
ECYD Challenge is a club for 6th–8th grade girls of faith to come together to better know and love Christ – and each other, 因为他们透过服务计划分享基督的爱.
Stemtree Robotics helps students apply their knowledge and skills of basic science, 模型建设, 计算机编程, 解决问题,探索工程和机器人技术. 项目费用如所示,包括学生材料.g.、笔记本电脑、平板电脑、机器人套件等.) student progress binders, software, USB drives, and student assessments. Stemtree将提供举办会议所需的所有用品. 访问 www.stemtree.com/buckhead 欲了解更多信息或致电 678-819-2386
The 西班牙语 enrichment program by Brilliant Bilingual consists of weekly hands-on immersion-style 西班牙语. 该项目采用21世纪的学习方法, 包括去拉丁美洲的虚拟现实实地考察, 在线学习订阅和家庭支持的家长指南, 员工中有流利的国际认证语言教师, 还有更多! 包括所有学习资料.
一个致力于服务行为的女生联谊会. 项目包括:参观施粥所, 献血活动, 为非营利组织筹集资金.
国际象棋俱乐部:定期聚会进行永恒的国际象棋之战的俱乐部. 会员们全年还参加各种比赛.
This club meets to discuss world cultures and issues affecting societies around the world.
一个致力于向学生介绍工程学的俱乐部, 项目管理, 品牌推广及市场推广, 以及通过F1赛车的镜头进行团队合作.
专注于金融市场的组织, including paper trading accounts where students compete against each other for financial returns.
A group focused on promoting the visual arts throughout campus and creating art for special campus events.
一个全国性的高中学生组织. Selection is based on four criteria: scholarship, leadership, service, and character.
A book club where students read a monthly book, then gather to discuss it.
A support group for students coping with the loss or illness of a parent.
- 以各种方式支持反堕胎事业,如每月念珠, 反堕胎的争论, 参加亚特兰大生命权利演讲比赛, 以及一年一度的华盛顿之旅, D.C. 为生命游行
St. 约瑟的队列
- 整个学年, students will engage in assisting the underprivileged through works of home repair and construction in the Atlanta area, and will also have the opportunity to continue this work 在 a one-week summer trip out of Georgia.
St. 文森特·德·保罗
- 关注亚特兰大最需要帮助的人——饥饿和无家可归的人. The group gathers clothing for needy families and partners with the Atlanta Food Bank with visits to the soup kitchen and homeless shelter.